On 13 November 2024, Charlotte Butruille-Cardew gave a training session organised by the Paris Bar's Open Commission on amicable dispute resolution on the subject of ‘Domestic violence: is dialogue desirable or possible towards a negotiatedoutcome?’ alongside Sylvie Angel, psychiatrist and child psychiatrist.
Our firm
CBBC is a boutique law firm exclusively dedicated to assisting international clients through all the important stages of their family life and the organisation of their wealth.
For many years, we have been recognized as leaders in our fields of expertise. We are known for our attention to detail, pragmatic approach and adaptability when providing our clients with effective and long-term solutions.
Dialogue and understanding are our top priorities. While always striving to find mutually acceptable solutions for our clients, we robustly defend their interests in litigation when necessary.
We are deeply committed to excellence when defending, supporting and advising our clients dealing with ever-more complex family issues.
Based on our well-established professional practice, over years, we have developed solid partnerships with foreign law firms to best respond to the needs of our clients. Based on our solid reputation, we have established fluid partnerships with major players in the field of family wealth management, whilst remaining completely independent, which guarantees the quality and seriousness of our services.

Our expertise
We advise private clients on all areas of family and matrimonial law issues both in relation to domestic and international family law and estate litigation.
We have developed specific expertise in drafting international family agreements and contracts.
Through the expertise of our team, we provide expert family law advice, with a special awareness to corporate and trust issues.
Hence, our areas of expertise cover:
Our values
Our team
CBBC is proud of the diversity of experience of its lawyers.
We all work collaboratively to ensure the most favourable and timely outcomes for our clients.

Charlotte Butruille-Cardew is a founding partner at law firm CBBC.
Lawyer at the Paris Bar since 2001, accredited specialist of Family Law with the CNB.
Registered Foreign Lawyer with the Law Society England and Wales since 2004.
Elected Member of the Paris Bar Council 2021-2023.
Board member of the Paris Bar School.
Collaborative law practitioner.
She practices law in French and English.
With her specific expertise in financially complex international family law cases and formidable experience of dealing with challenging matters, she advises on international asset planning and represents her clients in multi-jurisdictional litigation.
She has been recognized by her clients and her peers for her talent in achieving successful settlement.
Charlotte Butruille-Cardew is a Knight of the Academic Palms.
She is also an accredited specialist in family law.
Charlotte Butruille-Cardew is a Fellow and Governor of the International Academy of Family Lawyers.
She was consulted on family law reform projects by the European Commission and by the law societies of England and New Zealand, and on EU Family projects by the Max Planck Institute.
She is the author of numerous books including Family Law, A global Guide (Thomson Reuters), Amicable Dispute Resolution Guide (Dalloz), International prenuptial agreements and postnuptial agreements (Jordan Limited) and The law of divorce: global perspectives (Icfai University Press). She regularly publishes articles in French and English, and is a regular guest speaker in France and abroad on international family law issues and complex international negotiations.
She is the French correspondent of the International Family Law Journal.
Charlotte is an accredited practitioner of and trainer on the collaborative law process, an alternative resolution technique based on integrative negotiation, which she introduced in France in 2007. She holds Harvard certificates in interest-based negotiation and teaches negotiation techniques and collaborative law process at the Paris Bar, and intercultural negotiation techniques at the International School of alternative dispute resolution (EIMA). She co-chairs the Paris Bar's open commission on amicable resolution international family law disputes.
Charlotte Butruille-Cardew is a doctor of Law. After working as an associate lecturer, she now works closely with universities in France and England, including for 15 years as a conference organizer at King’s College University (London) on French and English perspectives on family law. She contributed to the design of academic programs of the Universities of Assas, Nanterre, and IFOMENE and is a member of numerous scientific committees or life member of honour, as past president or founding member of AFPDC, IDFP, EIMA, Etats Généraux du droit de la famille.
Doctor of Law: French and English divorce law, Paris XII - 2000 - London School of Economics -2001
LLM: Kings College London -1995
Master’s degree : Private law, Paris II Université Paris-Pantheon Assas -1994-
Prior to founding CBBC in 2009, Charlotte Butruille-Cardew worked as a corporate lawyer in London and Paris and also worked during her Phd with avocats aux Conseils (French Supreme courts).
Frédéric Bicheron joined CBBC at its creation.
He is a Partner of CBBC and an Associate Professor of law at UPEC-Paris XII University – School of Law.
Frédéric Bicheron intervenes for the firm on complex patrimonial cases.
His experience as a lawyer within an important law firm of avocats aux Conseils (able to intervene before the highest French Courts) has enabled him to develop an expertise on cases brought to the French Court of Cassation, but also a pragmatism and reactivity rooted in the need to respond effectively to the needs of clients, while bringing his academic expertise to the table.
After graduating with a Ph.D. from the University of Panthéon-Assas in 2003 by completing a thesis on "la dation en paiement", under the direction of the professor Michel Grimaldi, Frédéric Bicheron became a Professor of Law in private law and criminal sciences in 2007.
From 2007 to 2013, he taught private law at the University of Nantes, where he directed the Masters 1 and 2 of notarial law.
Currently, Frédéric Bicheron is a lecturer at the University of Paris XII (UPEC) where he teaches corporate law, family transmission of business, the law of matrimonial regimes and donations.
Frédéric Bicheron also participates to many conferences abroad (Japan, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Romania, Italy, Ivory Coast, Togo, Benin, Cameroon, Senegal, Peru, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Canada…).
Madeleine Diebolt is partner since March 2024 and joined the firm in 2014.
Madeleine Diebolt acts in international family law cases and more particularly in cases involving complex international divorce, parental authority, wrongful removal, adoption, and recognition of foreign decisions.
She works in French and English.
She has special experience in dealing with Common law, the Middle-East and Asian countries.
CAPA - 2014
Master’s degree (2nd year) - International affairs - University Paris I Sorbonne – 2010 – Major of Promotion
Master's degree (1st year)- International Law - University Paris-I Sorbonne - 2009
Madeleine Diebolt is a teacher in family law at the University of Paris XII UPEC.
In addition, she has led several commissions at the Paris Bar (Minors' Commission and Family Commission) as well as several training courses in partnership with Lexis Nexis focusing solely on family law.
Madeleine Diebolt regularly writes articles for the International Family Law Journal, Dalloz and Lexbase.
Before working with CBBC, Madeleine Diebolt did various internships with the United Nations in New York and Vienna. She also worked with the International Adoption Service of the Ministry of foreign affairs in Paris.
She also did a one-semester academic exchange in the United States during her law degree.
Madeleine Diebolt has attended several Young Lawyers’ annual meeting of the IAFL (International Academy of Family Lawyer): Berlin (2015), Madrid (2016), Warsaw (2017) and Milan (2019) as well as the 2018 IAFL's General Meeting in Dubaï.
Madeleine Diebolt has been a speaker at several Conferences either in France:
- Comundi-LexisNexis conference in January 2018 on the subject of prestations compensatoires
- Conference to the Defenseur des droits in April 2017 on the subject of "The child, at the center of legal cases".
As well in England:
- Kings College Conference in London in 2014
- Speaker for France at the Conference organised by English law firm Pennington Manches on the theme: "International transgender issues and Family law: a comparative view" in June 2019.
She has been a regular speaker at the Paris Bar Committee on the subject of children:
- In February 2016 on the theme: "The international instruments when dealing with maintenance obligations and child contact",
- In October 2017 on the theme: "Jurisdiction and applicable law for child's protection".
As well as at the Paris Bar Committee on the subject of Families, in January 2017 on the theme: "Non-EU international divorces".
Madeleine Diebolt did various internships in France and abroad. While in Bar school, she did an internship with the Paris Court of Appeal’s Prosecution service specialised in financial matters.
Pierre-Guillaume Ducluzeau joined CBBC in January 2016.
Pierre-Guillaume Ducluzeau is qualified in family law at the University of Sorbonne, he mainly works on complex patrimonial cases, such as divorces, liquidations of matrimonial regimes and successions, in both French and international law.
His experience within the CBBC Law Firm has led him to develop a specific expertise in Franco-English and Franco-Swiss cases.
He works daily in French and English and and has some knowledge of Chinese.
STEP Professional Postgraduate Diploma in Private Wealth Advice - 2024
Certificate of international wealth management - University Clermont Ferrand / AUREP - 2020
CAPA - 2016
Master's degree (2nd year) of Family and Persons' Law - University Paris I Sorbonne - 2013.
Master's degree (1st year) of Private Law - University Paris II Assas - 2012.
Pierre-Guillaume Ducluzeau spoke at the Resolution Conference in England in April 2018 to present the regime applicable to the recognition and enforcement of English family decisions in France.
Pierre-Guillaume Ducluzeau wrote an article published in January 2020 in the AJ Famille "La course à la juridiction aura-elle lieu" and co-authored an article "the new divorce law as of January 2017", published in April 2017 in the International Family Law journal.
Pierre-Guillaume Ducluzeau is the author of "Will there be a jurisdiction race? " in the AJ Famille, Dalloz, January 2019, dedicated to new EU Regulation n°2016/1104 on registered partnerships. He cosigned an article in the April 2017 edition of the International Family Law Journal dealing with the new French divorce law as of 2017.
Pierre-Guillaume Ducluzeau has lived and studied in China as an exchange student at the LL.M in Chinese Law at Renmin University in Beijing.
He regularly participates in the Young lawyers’ annual meeting of the IAFL (International Academy of Family Lawyer): Madrid 2016 - Warsaw 2017 - Milan 2019.
He is a member of the English association of Family law, Resolution.
He has worked as an intern for several family law firms in Paris as well as an intellectual property law firm.
He has also worked for the Prudential Control Authority and for a press agency.
Charlotte Ankaoua joined the CBBC firm as an academic researcher and lawyer in January 2020.
Charlotte Ankaoua has developed an expertise in private international law and international arbitration law.
Her PhD in private law on the subject of "transnational public policy", obtained with honourable distinction and unanimous congratulations from the jury, allowed her to deepen very specific notions of private international law.
In 2023, Charlotte obtained the Paris' Bar.
In 2021, Charlotte wrote the article "l'assimilation de l'action paulienne à une action contractuelle selon la Cour de justice de l'Union européenne" (The assimilation of the Paulian action to a contractual action according to the Court of Justice of the European Union) in the Journal of International Law Clunet, n° 3, 2021, p. 6
Doctorate in Private Law - L'ordre public transnational - 2019 - Under the supervision of Professor Thomas Clay - Paris-Saclay (Versailles/Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines) – With great distinction and unanimous congratulations of the jury and a proposal to compete for a thesis prize.
Master’s degree (2nd year) - Arbitration and International Trade - University Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines - 2014
Master’s degree (1st year) - Business Law - University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne - 2013
Master’s degree (1st year) - Justice and Trial - University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne - 2013
Master’s degree (1st year) - Applied Economics - University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne - 2013
Bachelor's double degree in Law and Economics, University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne - 2011.
Charlotte Ankaoua has also been co-editor of the Journal de l'arbitrage de Versailles, published by LexisNexis.
Charlotte Ankaoua was a teacher and research associate at the University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne (contract law, general liability of obligations, family law).
She was also teaching at the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (private international law, civil liability, general liability of obligations, introduction to law) and at the University of Evry Val d'Essonne (private international law).
Charlotte Ankaoua has taught various areas of law at the Universities of Versailles/Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Evry Val d'Essonne and Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne.
Vittoria Gnudi joined CBBC in July 2021.
After an internationally oriented university career, Vittoria Gnudi specialised in French-Italian cases and European law issues.
She is particularly interested in the arbitrability of family disputes, which she choses as the subject of her Master 2 thesis.
Vittoria Gnudi works dailly in French, Italian and English.
She has also some knowledge of Spanish.
CAPA (Paris' Bar) - 2022
Teacher of Private International Law at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne - 2021
Master's degree (Master 2) Private International Law and International Trade - University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne - 2020
Double degree in French and Italian law between the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the Università degli Studi di Firenze : Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, Master 2 degree International Jurist and Italian diploma of Laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza - 2014/2019
"Tesi di Laurea" (thesis) on the topic "The right to family reunification of EU citizens : The inclusion of non-traditional unions in the scope of Directive 2004/38/EC"
As part of her dual university education, Vittoria Gnudi studied in Italy and then in France.
During her Master 2 "International Jurist", Vittoria Gnudi did a one-semester exchange in the Netherlands at the European Law School of Maastricht 2019.
She participated in the Legal Clinic on the protection of fundamental rights by the European Court of Human Rights at the Università degli Studi di Firenze, where she won along with her teammates a Moot Court judged by the former Preisdent of the European Court of Human Rights Guido Raimondi.
During her PPI ("projet pédagogique individuel"), she worked for several months in an Italian law firm specialized in international family law, the IFL Studio Legale in Milan, Italy.
Vittoria took part in the first Franco-Italian conversation of the Franco-Italian Association of Legal Professionals (AFIPD) - September 2022.
She shared her experience at the webinar organised by the Milan Bar Council (Italy) on the subject of internship experience abroad - November 2022.
Vittoria Gnudi has completed internships in law firms in Italy and France in criminal law and in private international law.
Isis Pinto joined CBBC in January 2022.
Isis Pinto has a particular interest in Franco-British divorce cases and as well as parental authority cases, in particular international wrongful removal cases.
Isis Pinto works daily in French and English.
CAPA - 2022
Master’s degree (2nd year) of Private Law - University of Paris Saclay – 2021- Research paper on the topic “Fraud in private international family law” - 2021
Master’s degree (1rst year) – French law - Common Law: Focus on Private International Law – University of Nanterre - 2018
Bachelor’s degree: Double degree in French and Common Law at the University of Nanterre - 2014/2017
During her studies, Isis Pinto lived in many countries, including Spain, the United States, and the United Kingdom.
As a continuation of her double university education, Isis Pinto lived in London, England, where she interned in an English law firm specialising in international family law.
Isis Pinto has completed internships in English law firms, in particular with Dawson Cornwell in private international family law.
She also completed an internship at the Court of Appeal of Paris in the family and private international law department.
Chayma Khazzani joined the firm in 2023.
Chayma Khazzani has a particular interest in international family law, especially divorce and wrongful removal. She is keen to continue her training in the field of mediation.
Her background and experience have enabled her to develop a sound knowledge of international and European law.
Chayma Khazzani works in French and English on a daily basis and has a basic knowledge of Spanish and Arabic.
LL.M in Public International Law - Leiden University, Netherlands - 2019
Master 1 International Law - University of Paris II Assas - 2018
Licence Droit - University of Paris II Assas - 2016
Chayma Khazzani spent several years abroad as part of her training.
During her Master 1, she did a six-month Erasmus exchange in the Netherlands. She then continued her studies at Leiden University and obtained an LL.M in public international law.
She also spent a year in Barcelona and a year in Brussels on work placements.
Chayma Khazzani completed several internships with various non-governmental and international organisations in the Netherlands, Spain, and Belgium.
She completed a nine-month traineeship at the European Commission, working on issues of non-discrimination and the rule of law.

Alexandra has more than 16 years of experience in accounting firms and 2 years in start-ups.
She joined CBBC in May 2019 as an accountant and office manager.
Alexandra is in charge of treasury, invoicing, HR, accounting, tax and general administration.
Alexandra Arnould has worked in various accounting firms as a professional accountant executive.
In October 2016, she joined the start up Content Square, which specializes in solutions to optimize customer experience on e-commerce sites as head of sales and senior general accountant.
CBBC regularly hosts trainees and young lawyers from all over the world (from Japan to Ukraine, from New Zealand to Afghanistan) to build connections with international legal professionals and contribute to the mutual exchange of knowledge and experience.
Our achievements

Maître Butruille-Cardew participated in a training session focused on the latest developments in Mediation and Amicable Dispute Resolution (MADR) at the 18th edition of Campus des Avocats 2024. She discussed with Professor Natalie Fricero, Maître Martine Bourry d'Antin and Maître Nathalie Tisseyre-Boinet about the topic : “Integrating the National Amicable Settlement Policy into Your Legal Strategy”.
For more information : https://www.avocatcampus.org/calendrier/zoomsession.htm?zoom=a7dfc2c8-5443-ef11-a8d3-005056ac7c95

On April 4, 2024, Charlotte Butruille-Cardew and Madeleine Diébolt lectured at the Paris Bar School (EFB) as part of the international law training program, alongside Camille Druilhet, editor at the Ministry of Justice's DEPIDE, on the topic of “European civil law: divorce and child abduction”.

In 2022, Charlotte Butruille-Cardew and the entire CBBC team met with Bobby Harges, Adams and Reese Distinguished Professor of Law, to exchange views on practices and laws relating to the amicable resolution of family disputes in France and the United States.
The firm would like to congratulate Bobby Harges on his article published in the Loyola Law Review (University of New Orleans) entitled “Alternative Dispute Resolution in Divorce and Family Law in France and the United States: What the Two Countries Could Learn from Each Other”, and looks forward to collaborating on such comparative projects that improve amicable dispute resolution.

From 19 to 22 March 2024, the entire CBBC team travelled to London and was able to spend some quality time with the UK international family lawyers with whom the firm works on a regular basis.
We are very grateful for the hospitality and generosity of our contacts and colleagues.
It was a unique opportunity to share our knowledge and discuss the differences and challenges faced by English and French family lawyers.
Continuing to share our experiences will be invaluable to clients facing Anglo-French legal issues.
Our information

CBBC Law Firm
21 boulevard Saint Germain - 75005 Paris
Maubert-Mutualité line 10 / Jussieu lines 7 or 10
Monday to Friday from 9 am to 7 pm
+33 (0)1 53 35 87 50
+33 (0)1 53 35 00 73
We value lawyers with a good team spirit who combine a thorough yet inventive approach towards legal issues.
To apply for an internship or a position with CBBC, please send your CV at contact@cbbc-avocats.com.
To contact us or for further information, please send an email at contact@cbbc-avocats.com.